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- (Consular Affairs Topics)
- International travel can be a rich and rewarding adventure. Whether
- you have waited a lifetime to take the perfect trip or are an experienced
- world traveler, we would like to offer some advice to help you plan
- a safe and healthy trip.
- American consuls at U.S. embassies and consulates abroad are there
- to help if you encounter serious difficulties in your travels. They
- are happy to meet you if you come in to register your passport at
- the consular section of the U.S. embassy or consulate. But it is
- also their duty to assist American citizens abroad in times of emergency--at
- hospitals or police stations, for instance. This pamphlet is written
- in the hopes that it will help you to prevent such emergencies from arising.
- Preparation for Your Trip
- Start Early. Apply for your passport as soon as possible. Three
- months before your departure date should give you plenty of time.
- See the section, "Passports and Visas," on page 6 for details on
- how to apply.
- Learn About the Countries You Plan to Visit. The countries you visit
- will seem like old friends if, before you go, you read up on their
- culture, people, and history. Bookstores and libraries are good
- resources. Travel
- magazines and the travel sections of major newspapers tell about
- places to visit and also give advice on everything from discount
- airfares to international health insurance. Many travel agents and
- foreign tourist bureaus provide free information on travel abroad.
- Travel Advisories. The Department of State issues travel advisories
- concerning serious health or security conditions that may affect
- U.S. citizens. If you are traveling to an area where there may be
- problems, you may contact the nearest U.S. passport agency or the
- Department of State's Citizens Emergency Center on (202) 647-5225
- to learn whether there are travel advisories in effect for the countries
- you plan to visit.
- Charter Flights. Before you pay for a charter flight or travel package,
- read your contract carefully and see what guarantee it gives that
- the company will deliver the services that it is trying to sell you.
- Tour operators sometimes go out of business in the middle of a season,
- leaving passengers stranded, holding unusable return tickets and
- unable to obtain a refund for the unused portion of their trip.
- Unless you are certain a company is reputable, check its credentials
- with your local Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB maintains
- complaint files for a year. You can also check with the consumer
- affairs office of the American Society of Travel Agents, 1101 King
- Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, tel. (703) 739-2782 to learn if a travel
- company has a complaint record.
- Trip Insurance. One sure way to ruin a vacation is to lose money
- because an emergency forces you to postpone or cancel your trip.
- Except for tickets on regularly scheduled airlines, almost any travel
- package you purchase will have a penalty for cancellation and some
- companies will give no refund at all. Regularly scheduled airlines
- usually give a refund if an illness or death in the family forces
- you to cancel. They require a note from the doctor or a death certificate.
- Take careful note of the cancellation penalty for any other large
- travel purchase you make such as a tour package, charter flight,
- or cruise. Unless you can afford to lose that amount, protect yourself
- by buying trip insurance. If you invest in trip insurance, make
- sure your policy covers all reasonable possibilities for your having
- to cancel. For instance, if an emergency with a family member would
- force you to cancel, insure against that as well.
- Some trip insurance policies will also give a refund if the company
- goes out of business or otherwise does not make good on its offering.
- The best insurance against company default is to choose a reputable
- company that guarantees a refund if they do not deliver the goods.
- If, however, you are tempted to purchase a tour at a great bargain
- price and you can't find a guarantee of delivery in the fine print,
- protect yourself by purchasing trip insurance that covers company default.
- Shop around for the trip insurance policy that offers the most benefits.
- Some credit card and traveler's check companies offer travel protection
- packages for an additional fee. Benefits may even include accident
- and illness coverage while traveling.
- Health Insurance. The Social Security Medicare program does not
- provide for payment of hospital or medical services obtained outside
- the U.S. However, some Medicare supplement plans offer foreign
- medical care coverage at no extra cost for treatments considered
- eligible under Medicare. These are reimbursement plans. You must
- pay the bills first and obtain receipts in order to submit them later
- for compensation. Many of these plans have a dollar ceiling per trip.
- Review your health insurance policy. Obtaining medical treatment
- and hospital care abroad can be expensive. If your Medicare supplement
- or other medical insurance does not provide protection while traveling
- outside the United States, we strongly urge you to buy coverage that
- does. There are short-term health and emergency assistance policies
- called medical assistance programs that are designed specifically
- for travelers.
- Medical Assistance Programs. One strong advantage of medical assistance
- programs is that they also cover the exorbitant cost of medical evacuation
- in the event of an accident or serious illness. As part of the coverage,
- these companies usually offer emergency consultation by telephone.
- They may refer you to the nearest hospital or call directly for
- help for you. If you need an interpreter, they may translate your
- instructions to a health care worker on the scene. Another benefit
- that is normally part of such coverage is payment for the return
- of remains to the United States in case of death.
- If your regular health insurance already covers you for medical expenses
- abroad, you can buy a medical assistance program that offers all
- the consultative and evacuation services listed above except for
- the health insurance itself. The cost of medical assistance coverage
- can be as low as $25 for a 2-week trip without health insurance coverage
- or $49 for the complete medical assistance program including health
- insurance. On the other hand, escorted medical evacuation can cost
- thousands of dollars.
- If your travel agent cannot direct you to a medical assistance company,
- look for information on such services in travel magazines. Once
- you have adequate coverage, carry your insurance policy identity
- cards and claim forms with you when you travel.
- Medication. If you require medication, bring an ample supply in
- its original containers. Because of strict laws concerning narcotics
- throughout the world, bring along copies of your prescriptions and,
- if you have an unusual prescription, carry a letter from your physician
- explaining your need for the drug. As an extra precaution, carry
- the generic names of your medications with you because pharmaceutical
- companies overseas may use different names from those used in the
- United States.
- If you wear eyeglasses, take an extra pair with you. Pack medicines
- and extra eyeglasses in your hand luggage so they will be available
- in case your checked luggage is lost. To be extra secure, pack a
- backup supply of medicines and a third pair of eyeglasses in your
- checked luggage. If you have allergies, reactions to certain medications,
- foods, or insect bites, or other unique medical problems, consider
- wearing a "medical alert" bracelet.
- You may also wish to carry a letter from your physician explaining
- desired treatment should you become ill.
- Immunizations. Information on immunizations and health precautions
- for travelers can be obtained from local health departments, the
- U.S. Public Health Service, private doctors, or travel clinics.
- General guidance can also be found in the U.S. Public Health Service
- book, Health Information for International Travel. To order this
- book, see page 12.
- Passport. Pack an "emergency kit" to help you get a replacement
- passport in case yours is lost or stolen. To make a kit: photocopy
- the data page at the front of your passport; write down the addresses
- and telephone numbers of the U.S. embassies and consulates in the
- countries you plan to visit; and put this information along with
- two passport-size photographs in a place separate from your passport.
- Leave a Detailed Itinerary. Give a friend or relative your travel
- schedule. Include: names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons
- and places to be visited; your passport number and the date and place
- it was issued; and credit card, traveler's check, and airline ticket
- numbers. Keep a copy of this information for yourself in a separate
- place from your purse or wallet. If you change your travel plans--for
- example, if you miss your return flight to the United States or extend
- your trip--be sure to notify relatives or friends at home.
- Don't Overprogram. Allow time to relax and really enjoy yourself.
- Even if this is your once-in-a-lifetime trip, don't feel you have
- to fill every available minute.
- If you are visiting a country such as China, where physical activity
- can be quite strenuous and sudden changes in diet and climate can
- have serious health consequences for the unprepared traveler, consult
- your physician before you depart.
- What to Pack. Carefully consider the clothing you take. Don't pack
- more than you need and end up lugging around heavy suitcases. Wash-and-wear
- clothing and sturdy walking shoes are good ideas. Consider the climate
- and season in the countries you will visit and bring an extra outfit
- for unexpectedly warm or cool weather. A sweater or shawl is always
- useful for cooler evenings and air-conditioned planes and hotels.
- Dress conservatively--a wardrobe that is flashy or too causal may
- attract the attention of thieves or con artists.
- Include a change of clothing in your carry-on luggage. Otherwise,
- if your bags are lost, you could be wearing the same clothes you
- were traveling in during the entire time it takes to locate your
- luggage--an average of 72 hours.
- Do not pack anything that you would hate to lose such as valuable
- jewelry, family photographs, or objects of sentimental value.
- Passports. It is a good idea to apply 3 months before you plan to
- travel. If you also need visas, allow more time as you must have
- a valid passport before applying for a visa. If this is your first
- passport, you must apply in person, bringing with you proof of U.S.
- citizenship (usually a certified copy of your birth certificate,
- a naturalization certificate, or a consular report of birth abroad);
- 2 identical recent front-view photos (2" x 2"); a completed passport
- application (Form DSP-11); proof of identity such as a valid driver's
- license or other photo or physical-description I.D.; and the fee
- of $42 for a passport valid for 10 years.
- You may apply at any passport agency (see list at the end of this
- pamphlet) or at one of the many clerks of court or post offices designated
- to accept passport applications. Your birth certificate or other
- documents will be returned to you by mail, along with your new passport.
- You may be eligible to apply for a passport by mail. If you have
- had a full-validity passport issued within the past 12 years and
- you are able to mail the passport with your application, you can
- use Form DSP-82, "Application for Passport by Mail," to apply. Obtain
- this form from any office that accepts passport applications or from
- your travel agent. Follow the instructions on the back of the form.
- The renewal passport fee is $35.
- When you receive your passport, be sure to sign it on page 1 and
- to pencil in on page 4 the requested information. This wi1l help
- us notify your family or friends in case of an accident or other
- emergency. Do not designate your traveling companion as the person
- to be notified in case of an emergency.
- Visas. Many countries require a visa--an endorsement or stamp placed
- in your passport by a foreign government that permits you to visit
- that country for a specified purpose and a limited time. Many countries
- require you to obtain a visa from their consular office nearest to
- your residence. The addresses of foreign consular offices can be
- found in telephone directories of large cities or in the Congressional
- Directory, available in most libraries; or you may write to the appropriate
- embassy in Washington, D.C. and request the address of their consulate
- that is nearest to you. Apply for your visa directly to the embassy
- or consulate of each country you plan to visit or ask your travel
- agent to assist you with visas. U.S. passport agencies cannot obtain
- visas for you.
- An increasing number of countries are establishing entry requirements
- regarding AIDS testing, particularly for long-term residents and
- students. Check with the embassy or consulate of the countries you
- plan to visit for the latest information.
- Don't Take Your Money in Cash. Bring most of your money in traveler's
- checks. Have a reasonable amount of cash with you, but not more
- than you will need for a day or two. Convert your traveler's checks
- to local currency as you use them rather than all at once.
- You may also wish to bring at least one internationally-recognized
- credit card. Before you leave, find out what your credit card limit
- is and do not exceed it. In some countries, travelers who have innocently
- exceeded their limit have been arrested for fraud. Leave unneeded
- credit cards at home.
- If you must take jewelry or other valuables, use hotel security vaults
- to store them. It is wise to register such items with U.S. Customs
- before leaving the United States to make customs processing easier
- when you return.
- It is a violation of law in some countries to enter or exit with
- that country's currency. Check with a travel agent or the embassy
- or consulate of the countries you plan to visit to learn their currency
- restrictions. Before departing from the U.S., you may wish, if allowed,
- to purchase small amounts of foreign currency and coins to use for
- buses, taxis, telephone calls, and other incidentals when you first
- arrive in a country. You may purchase foreign currency from some
- banks or from foreign exchange dealers. Most international airports
- also have money exchange facilities.
- Once you are abroad, local banks generally give more favorable rates
- of exchange than hotels, restaurants, or stores for converting your
- U.S. dollars and traveler's checks into foreign currency.
- Driving. U.S. auto insurance is usually not valid outside of the
- United States and Canada. When you drive in any other country, be
- sure to buy adequate auto insurance in that country. When renting
- a car abroad, make certain that adequate insurance is part of your
- contract; otherwise, purchase additional coverage in an amount similar
- to that which you carry at home.
- Flying. On long flights, break up long periods of sitting. Leave
- your seat from time to time and also do in-place exercises. This
- will help prevent your arriving tired and stiff-jointed. Also, get
- some exercise after a long flight. For example, take a walk or use
- your hotel's exercise room.
- Reconfirm. Upon arrival at each stopover, reconfirm your onward
- reservations. When possible, obtain a written confirmation. International
- flights generally require confirmation 72 hours in advance. If your
- name does not appear on the reservation list, you could find yourself
- stranded.
- Register. If you plan to be in a location for 2 weeks or more or
- in an area where there is civil unrest or any other emergency situation,
- register with the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. This will help
- in locating you, should someone in the United States wish to confirm
- your safety and welfare or need to contact you urgently.
- Practical Safety Tips
- Respect the Local Laws and Customs. While abroad, you are subject
- to the laws and regulations of your host country and are not protected
- by the U.S. Constitution. If you should be detained by local authorities,
- ask them to notify a U.S. consular officer. Under international
- agreements and practice, you have a right to contact an American
- consul. Although U.S.consuls cannot act as your attorney or get
- you out of jail, they can provide you with a list of local attorneys
- and inform you of your rights under local laws. They will also monitor
- the status of detained Americans and make sure they are treated fairly
- under local laws.
- Guard your Passport. Your passport is the most valuable document
- you carry abroad. It confirms that you are an American citizen.
- Do not carry your passport in the same place as your money, use
- it as collateral for a loan, or pack it in your luggage. Remember
- to keep your passport number in a separate location in case it is
- lost or stolen. In some countries, you may be required to leave
- your passport overnight or for several days with the hotel management.
- This may be local practice--do not be concerned unless the passport
- is not returned as promised. If your passport is lost or stolen
- abroad, immediately report it to the local police, obtain a copy
- of the report, and contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate
- to apply for a new passport.
- Be Alert. Move purposefully and confidently. If you should find
- yourself in a crowded area, such as in an elevator, subway, marketplace,
- or at a parade, exercise special caution to avoid theft.
- Robbery. Help prevent theft by carrying your belongings securely.
- Carry purses tucked under an arm and not dangling by a strap. Carry
- valuables in an inside front pocket or in a money belt, not in a
- hip pocket. You may wish to wrap your wallet with rubber bands to
- make it more difficult for someone to slip it from your pocket unnoticed.
- Money belts or pouches that fit around your shoulder or waist are
- available through travel magazines and at some luggage shops and
- department stores.
- Assistance From U.S. Embassies and Consulates
- Emergencies. If you encounter serious legal, medical, or financial
- difficulties or other problems abroad, contact the nearest U.S. embassy
- or consulate for assistance. Although, as mentioned above, consular
- officers cannot serve as attorneys, they can help you find legal
- assistance. Consular officers cannot cash checks, lend money, or
- act as travel agents. However, in an emergency, they can help you
- get in touch with your family back home to inform them on how to
- wire funds to you and to let them know of your situation. They can
- also provide you with the latest travel advisories to alert you to
- adverse conditions abroad.
- Nonemergencies. Consular officers can also provide nonemergency
- services such as information on absentee voting and acquisition or
- loss of U.S. citizenship. They can arrange for the transfer of Social
- Security and other benefits to Americans residing abroad, provide
- U.S. tax forms, notarize documents, and advise U.S. citizens on property
- claims.
- Safeguarding Your Health. If you are injured or become seriously
- ill abroad, a U.S. consular officer will assist you in finding a
- physician or other medical services, and, with your permission, will
- inform your family members or friends of your condition. If needed,
- consular officers can assist your family in transferring money to
- the foreign country to pay for your treatment.
- Death Abroad. Each year, about 6,000 Americans die abroad. Two
- thirds of them are Americans who live overseas, but approximately
- 2,000 Americans per year die while traveling abroad. Consular officers
- will contact the next of kin in the United States and will explain
- the local requirements. It is a worthwhile precaution to have insurance
- that covers the cost of local burial or shipment of remains home
- to the United States (see information on medical assistance programs
- on page 3). Otherwise, this cost must be borne by next of kin and
- can be extremely expensive. The U.S. Government cannot pay for shipment
- of remains to the United States.
- Shopping--Some Things to Avoid
- Beware of purchasing souvenirs made from endangered wildlife. Much
- wildlife and wildlife products are prohibited either by U.S. or foreign
- laws from import into the United States. You risk confiscation and
- a possible fine if you attempt to import such things. Watch out
- for and avoid purchasing the following prohibited items:
- -- All products made from sea turtles.
- -- All ivory, both Asian and African.
- -- Furs from spotted cats.
- -- Furs from marine mammals.
- -- Feathers and feather products from wild birds.
- -- All live or stuffed birds from Australia,
- Brazil, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
- Guatemala, Mexico, Paraguay, Venezuela, and
- some Caribbean countries.
- -- Most crocodile and caiman leather.
- -- Most coral, whether in chunks or in jewelry.
- When You Return
- Be Prepared. On arrival in the United States, have your passport
- ready when you go through immigration and customs controls. Keep
- receipts for any items you purchased abroad. U.S. citizens may bring
- back and orally declare $400 worth of merchandise duty free. The
- next $1000 is taxed at a flat rate of 10%. Check with U.S. Customs
- for further information.
- Currency. There is no limit on the amount of money or negotiable
- instruments which can be brought into or taken out of the United
- States. However, any amount over $10,000 must be reported to U.S.
- Customs on Customs Form 4790 when you depart from or enter into the
- United States.
- Don't bring home any fresh fruits or vegetables. Such items will
- be confiscated.
- Useful Travel Publications
- For the official word on immunizations, customs, and what you can
- legally bring into the United States, you may order one of the following
- U.S. Government publications:
- Health Information for International Travel is a comprehensive listing
- of immunization requirements of foreign governments. In addition,
- it gives the U.S. Public Health Service's recommendations on immunizations
- and other health precautions for the international traveler. Copies
- are available for $4.75 from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
- Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238.
- Know Before You Go, Customs Hints for Returning U.S. Residents gives
- detailed information on U.S. Customs regulations, including duty
- rates. Single copies are available free from any local Customs office
- or by writing to the Department of the Treasury, U.S. Customs Service,
- P.O. Box 7407, Washington, D.C. 20044.
- Travelers Tips on Bringing Food, Plant, and Animal Products Into
- the United States lists the regulations on bringing these items into
- the United States from most parts of the world. Fresh fruits and
- vegetables, meat, potted plants, pet birds, and other items are prohibited
- or restricted. Obtain the publication free from the Animal and Plant
- Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 732 Federal
- Bldg., 6505 Belcrest Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20782. The following
- publication is prepared by the World Wildlife Fund:
- Buyer Beware! tells about restrictions on importing wildlife and
- wildlife products. For a free copy, write to the Publications Unit,
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, Washington,
- D.C. 20240; (202) 343-5634.
- The following three publications from the Department of State may
- be ordered for $1 each from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S.
- Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238:
- Your Trip Abroad provides basic travel information -- tips on passports,
- visas, immunizations, and more. It will help you prepare for your
- trip and make it as and trouble-free as possible.
- A Safe Trip Abroad gives travel security advice for any traveler,
- but particularly for those who plan trips to areas of high crime or terrorism.
- Tips for Americans Residing Abroad is prepared for the more than
- 2 million Americans who live in foreign countries.
- The following three publications are also from the Department of
- State (see ordering information below):
- Foreign Entry Requirements lists visa and other entry requirements
- of foreign countries and tells you how to apply for visas and tourist
- cards. Order this publication for 50รน from the Consumer Information
- Center, Dept. 438T, Pueblo, CO 81009.
- Key Officers of Foreign Service Posts gives addresses and telephone,
- telex, and FAX numbers for all U.S. embassies and consulates abroad.
- (NOTE: When writing to a U.S. embassy or consulate, address the
- envelope to the appropriate section, such as Consular Section, rather
- than to a specific individual.) This publication is updated 3 times
- a year and may be purchased from the Superintendent of Documents,
- U.S Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238.
- Background Notes are brief, factual pamphlets on each of 170 countries.
- They give current information on each country's people, culture,
- geography, history, government, economy, and political condition.
- They also include a factual profile, brief travel notes, a country
- map, and a suggested reading list. For information on their price
- and to order copies contact: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
- Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238. Passport
- Agencies
- Boston Passport Agency Thomas P. O'Neill Federal Building, Room 247
- 10 Causeway Street Boston, Massachusetts 02222 *Recording: 617-565-6998
- Public Inquiries: 617-565-6990
- Chicago Passport Agency Kluczynski Federal Building, Suite 380 230
- South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60604-1564 *Recording: 312-353-5426
- Public Inquiries: 312-353-7155 or 7163
- Honolulu Passport Agency New Federal Building, Room C-106 300 Ala
- Moana Boulevard P.O. Box 50185 Honolulu, Hawaii 96850 *Recording:
- 808-541-1919 Public Inquiries: 808-541-1918
- Houston Passport Agency Concord Towers 1919 Smith Street, Suite 1100
- Houston, Texas 77002 *Recording: 713-653-3159 Public Inquiries: 713-653-3153
- Los Angeles Passport Agency 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Room 13100
- Los Angeles, California 90024-3615 *Recording: 213-209-7070 Public
- Inquiries: 213-209-7075
- Miami Passport Agency Federal Office Building, 16th Floor 51 Southwest
- First Avenue Miami, Florida 33130-1680 *Recording: 305-536-5395 (English)
- 305-536-4448 (Spanish) Public Inquiries: 305-536-4681
- New Orleans Passport Agency Postal Services Building, Room T-12005
- 701 Loyola Avenue New Orleans, Louisiana 70113-1931 *Recording:
- 504-589-6728 Public Inquiries: 504-589-6161
- New York Passport Agency Rockefeller Center, Room 270 630 Fifth Avenue
- New York, New York 10111-0031 *Recording: 212-541-7700 Public Inquiries:
- 212-541-7710
- Philadelphia Passport Agency Federal Office Building, Room 4426 600
- Arch Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106-1684 *Recording: 215-597-7482
- Public Inquiries: 215-597-7480
- San Francisco Passport Agency 525 Market Street, Suite 200 San Francisco,
- California 94105-2773 *Recording: 415-974-7972 Public Inquiries:
- 415-974-9941
- Seattle Passport Agency Federal Office Building, Room 992 915 Second
- Avenue Seattle, Washington 98174-1091 *Recording: 206-442-7941 Public
- Inquiries: 206-442-7945
- Stamford Passport Agency One Landmark Square Broad and Atlantic Streets
- Stamford, Connecticut 06901-2767 *Recording: 203-325-4401 Public
- Inquiries: 203-325-3538 or 3530
- Washington Passport Agency 1425 K Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.
- 20524-0002 *Recording: 202-647-0518 Public Inquiries (M-F 8-4:45):
- 202-647-0518
- *Twenty-four hour recording includes general passport information,
- passport agency location, and hours of operation. Where Do You Plan
- to Go Next?
- The following area or country pamphlets may be ordered for $1 each
- from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,
- Washington, DC 20402; tel. (202) 783-3238:
- * Tips for Travelers to Sub-Saharan Africa
- * Tips for Travelers to the Caribbean
- * Tips for Travelers to Central and South
- America
- * Tips for Travelers to the People's
- Republic of China
- * Tips for Travelers to Cuba
- * Tips for Travelers to Eastern Europe
- and Yugoslavia
- * Tips for Travelers to Mexico
- * Tips for Travelers to the Middle East
- and North Africa
- * Tips for Travelers to South Asia
- * Tips for Travelers to the USSR